
Posts Tagged ‘Twilight’

Today Zella and Grimm wanted to act out a scene from their favorite movie franchise, The Twilight Saga.  I know…dogs these days.  No taste.  Used to be, dogs were watching Lassie and Old Yeller and cheering on Rin Tin Tin. Nowadays, all they want to do is eat shoes and lounge on the couch and watch horrible vampire/werewolf/zombie movies.  They could at least read the books.

Apparently, they really like the sexual tension between Bella and Edward.  Oh, and the werewolves.  They really like the werewolves in the movie.  Every time I let them watch any of the movies, they make Charley play the part of a vampire and then they start to run around the house like crazy.  Out of nowhere…fling!!…there goes their collars and all of a sudden, they aren’t dogs anymore, but werewolves.  Who said dogs don’t have imaginations?  Clearly those people haven’t almost lost an eye to a speeding, flung rabies tag.

Anyway, they hope you enjoy their effort.  I did advise them to not quit their day jobs.  Oh, wait…they don’t have any.  Freeloaders.

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